Swinging saturdays is a musical meme hosted by Ice Cold Passion, to share our passion for music. The goal is to make a top 5 (or Top 10) for whatever genre or artist you like or get creative and share a theme based music top 5. For example a bookish soundtrack, funny songs, song to listen to on a rainy day top 5.
I know 2014 has been gone for a month and a half now, and I wanted to do this earlier, but since I moved in to my new home, it did not leave me much time to blog. Also I have been kind of in a blogging slump for some time. Do not know why, because I still love it, but can't seem to finish any posts lately.
Further more, you might have noticed that I have been doing lost of revisions on my old post. They are now all in English only, and some are already link to my dutch page as well. I haven't finished linking all of my posts to the dutch ones yet. I think I came a long way since I moved to www.icecoldpasison.com.
Anyways, todays top 10 consists of songs that came out in 2014, or got popular at the radio stations in 2014. I selected ten that I loved.
10. Blaudzun ~ Promises Of No Man's Land
Not widely played by all radio stations but still popular on my favorite radio stations and they also made some appearances in some talks shows. Btw these guys are Dutch, don't know if they made it overseas though.9. Dotan ~ Home
Also Dutch, and very very popular, this song is almost at the point that it has been played so often it is almost annoying. Luckily for Dotan, that I can listen to this song endlessly.8. Hozier ~ Take Me To Church
Moving on to Hozier, no idea were he came from, apparently he is Irish. First time I heard the song it was being sang by one of the contestants in the Voice of Holland. Right after I looked up the original and I was hooked, I absolutely love the album also titled Hozier.7. George Ezra ~ Budapest
Ah Budapest, well that is all that I have to say about it.6. Milky Chance ~ Stolen Dance
I loved this song until... the disaster happened, I heard them live at Lowlands. Biggest mistake ever, no let me correct worst performance I ever seen. Since then I cannot appreciated it as much as I did before.5. Kensington ~ Streets
Back to the Netherlands were Kennsington started rocking Dutch ground. Finally a rock band that made it. Is voice, melts.. Reminds me of Stereophonics in a way.4. Family Of The Year ~ Hero
I used to have this playing in my head, hours after I had heard it. Annoying but good.3. Sam Smith ~ Stay with Me
Oh My God..... Sold (mesmerizing performance at the grammys btw)2. First Aid Kit ~ Silver Lining
I know I have had this song in another top 10, but this should really be here in this one too.1. Chef's Special ~ In Your Arms
Last but not least. Be-a-u-tiful...
So that's it for my Top 10!!!
What is your Top 10 this week?
Want to host Swing Saturdays next week? Send me an email: icecoldpassions@gmail.com.
I would love to hear what kind of music you like!
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