Swinging saturdays is a musical meme hosted by Ice Cold Passion, to share our passion for music. The goal is to make a top 5 (or Top 10) for whatever genre or artist you like or get creative and share a theme based music top 5. For example a bookish soundtrack, funny songs, song to listen to on a rainy day top 5.It is that time of the week again where I tell you about the music I love. This week we are diving back in to my Spotify acount looking at which artists I follow in the F category. And boy are there some favorites there! So lets see, Family of the Year, FFS, First Aid Kit, Fleddy Melculy, Flogging Molly, Florence + The Machine, Foals, Foster The People, Frank Turner and Franz Ferdinand. However will I choose?
Well let's find out shall we?
Flogging Molly ~ If I Ever Leave THis World Alive
For all the women among my readers, have you ever watched P.S. I Love You? Well then you might have heard this song before. It is on this song that they end the movie, and they could not have picked a better song to end the movie on. Honestly if was the perfect ending of the movie. Sorry this might seem really off topic but trust me if you have seen the movie you will understand. So know you might wonder, did you find the band through the movie, but no sorry I knew the band long before I ever watched the movie. I just really love their sound, the Irish feel the flute (not in this song, go listen Devil's Dance Floor), the violin, the aucoustic guitar, but boy they can also rock your socks of. By the way I also love the lyrics of this song!Florence + The Machine ~ The Drumming Song
Going on with the favorites, if you hadn't noticed it by my long explanation with the last song. This song is from her debut album, a very very impressive debut if you ask me. It is still my go to album if I want to listen to Florence. She has an incredible voice, that is what makes her such a joy to listen to. This performance at the Royal Albert hall I have watched way to many times, I like that it has an ochestra instead of her band, and it sooths her music so well.Family Of The Year ~ Diversity
Remember Hero? That was their hit song, and I liked it so I decided to try the rest of the album, and ended up really liking it. It is not a band I listen to often, but that album, damn I forgot how good it actually is. Here is something different for you, not Hero, because we all know that song, here's Diversity for you to listen to.Franz Ferdinand ~ Jacqueline
Been a fan since there debut album came out, but never seen them live. I just never really got the chance, everytime I was either too late for tickets, or only heard they were playing in the Netherlands afterwards, or on a day that is was impossible for me to go. I really hope that I get a chance to see them live some day. I love their music it is full of energy and it just makes me so happy.Frank Turner ~ Silent Key
This artist I think needs no introduction, and Maarten, if you are still a reader, thanks you ever so much for sharing this music to me. Frank Turner is by far one of my favorite artists of all time, my go to guy to cheer me up. And he has been around a while. I just bought myself a really cool copy of the album No Man's Land, with white vinyl. I like the idea of the album No Man's Land, which is kind of a tribute to woman, specifically women that meant something to the world. It is a beautiful idea, and Silent Key is on the this album, but I so happend to like the acoustic version that was on the Positive Songs For Negative People Delux album, just a bit more. So yeah no fancy video for this one. Let me know which version you like, the No Man's Land version or this acoustic version? Curious to see were you stand in this.What do you think, have I covered F well enough here?
Let me know in the comments!
Let me know in the comments!
Want to host Swing Saturdays next week?
Send me an email: icecoldpassions@gmail.com.
I would love to hear what kind of music you like!
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