Title: Bitter FruitsI received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley, many thanks to the publisher. This however in no way influences my honest opinion.
Author: Sarah Daltry
Series: Bitter Fruits #1
Publisher: SDE Press
Publishing date: 25th, June, 2013
Number of pages: 185 p.
Age category: New Adult
Language: English only
Other books in this series:
Immortal Star (Bitter Fruits #2)
About Bitter Fruits
Attending a vampire-themed masquerade party seems like a strange way to spend a night, but Nora is sick of frat parties and bars. Meeting Alec was just a bonus. Despite their immediate attraction, however, Alec is wary of involving himself with Nora, and when she pushes it, she discovers that Alec has secrets that could destroy them both. Is she willing to risk everything for a man she hardly knows? How far into darkness will he take her?My review
So I read this a while back, but even though the names are a bit fussy, the story stays clear in my head. I loved the fact that Sarah used a story from the bible and turned it in a very original paranormal romance story, even an original love triangle! Yes, really it was quiet different from all love triangles I have seen. And I loveeeeeeeeeeeed how it worked out, that would be every woman's dream! Uh, well if we can handle it, that is :).The story, Sarah took from the bible is one we all, one about two brothers. Even though I figured out pretty soon who they were (which is just because of my knowledge of the bible that I figured this out), it still had some really surprising factors.
Another fun character was Lilith, Adams first wife who did not make it into many bibles, but if you google it you'll find some cool information about her. Really google it, or hear about it her on my blog, I will talk about her some more since I am starting a bit of a Lillith obsession. So I am probably going to research her some more.
All in all this was a great read! I read this in one (very long) night, I ended up going to bed at six o'clock in the morning! That is how great this was, you just want to keep reading on until you are finished!
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