Title: Before The Moon Rises
Author: Catherine Bybee
Series: Ritter Werewolves #1
Publisher: Self-published
Publishing date: 22 Maart 2012
Number of pages: 86 p.
Agecategory: Adult
Language: English only
Other books in this series: Embracing the werewolves (book 2)
About Before The Moon Rises
After a twelve-hour shift in a busy emergency room, Janet O’Brien is beat. Her last patient arrives unconscious and naked. She’s lead to believe he’s a psyche patient off his meds. However, once he awakens, Janet is charmed by his million-dollar smile and agrees to give him a ride home.
Werewolf, Max Ritter notices the sassy nurse when he wakes after a night under the full moon. Unfortunately, his arrival is drawn to Janet as well. In order to keep her out of harm's way, he opts to keep her close. When the chemistry between them sparks, Max discovers a completely new reason to keep Janet safe.
My review
I filthy rich wolf, a witty nurse and a the big bad wolf.
This sums up this pretty little novella pretty well. It is lighthearted with not many surprises, but still very enjoyable if you need you were fix. It is a quick read, there were some medical terms thought that I didn't quiet understood (maybe because I am more familiar with the dutch terms). I figured that the author might have been a nurse, or did some research on the topic. I was cool though I liked it, gave it a bit of a realistic edge.
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