Friday, October 30, 2020

Movies: ParaNorman

Title: ParaNorman
Year: 2012
Director: Chris Butler, Sam Fell
Length: 1hour and 32 minutes
Available at Amazon: Amazon

About ParaNorman

Norman is not an ordinary boy, he can talk to the spirits. There seem to be many of them in the little town he lives in. When the town is being attacked by zombies, Norman is the only person who can safe them. To safe the town he must face, spirits, witches and idiotic adults!

My thoughts

I love Halloween, this year like all others it will be celebrated in Casa Irene in my own way, normally with a lot of candy, garlic bread, chips and a lot of horror movies. Right horror movies, not something my boyfriend really likes. I used to watch a lot of horror movies, together with my sister and her friends we use to watch them, almost every Saturday. Form The Ring, to Chainsaw Massacre and everything in between. Lots of slasher movies, also some very laughable B-movies that where too funny to even be called horror.  I still own various, but my dear boyfriend does not really enjoy the genre. In my single years before I found the greatest boyfriend ever, I was too scared to watch horror movies at night so this is how I found this one. This is something we can also watch together.

This is a family movie,  something less scary than what I used to watch.  Since today it is Halloween I thought this would be the perfect moment to write a review for this movie.

This movie is definitely worth watching, especially as a Halloween movie, the setting is perfect to get you in the mood. The animation itself is wonderfully done, the art is very different from other animations I have seen. Also we really see the world through Norman's eyes, for example there is a scene where Norman get yelled at by his dad. The funny thing about this scene is that we are looking at his dad's big ass belly, which is wobbling up and down when his father is yelling. Incredibly funny! Throughout the movie we see these kind of funky point of views.

The story is not all that complex, Norman sees ghosts, every day, everywhere in town. This town seems to be overrun by ghost of all sorts. One of the ghosts is his uncle, who tells him that the town is cursed and needs Normans help. From this moment onwards, the dead rise from their graves, and witches rule main street. Norman is the only help for the town.  This movie has it all, zombies, witches and ghosts in one little town, I enjoyed this far too much probably and will rewatch this movie many times over.


The graphics of this movie are amazing and hilarious at the same time, this is a great movie to watch as a family. A great halloween movie, especially if you don't feel like watching scary movies by yourself (or horror disliking boyfriend :))

The trailer

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